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    上一篇:伏妖开封府之御猫展昭 下一篇:伊斯坦堡奇迹夜

    The 13-year-old Iqbal is a charming, imaginative and fun boy, which, according to his father, is not enough if one is to succeed in the world. But when Iqbal, his little brother Tariq (11 years) and their friend Sille, accidentally blow up their school, his father is the slightest of his problems. The two crooks, Easelman and The Swine, want to get hold of the randomly home brewed explosive and blow up Tivoli to build the biggest parking facility in Scandinavia. To blackmail the kids for the recipe the two crooks kidnap the adorable little brother Dindua (6 years). The hunt to free Dindua and save Tivoli starts - and this requires cooperation, courage and a lot of imaginative ideas, which Iqbal is an expert in delivering.

    2015最新喜剧片伊克巴尔之化学秘方电影完整版,伊克巴尔之化学秘方高清完整版是Hircano Soares Liv Leman Brandorf Arien Takiar Runi Lewerissa Sara Masoudi Moowgliie Duissara 达尔·萨利姆 Tine Rangan Thiesgaard 拉斯马斯·伯格 Andreas Bo Pedersen 扎特科·巴瑞克 Torben Zeller Martin Brygmann 迪特·汉森 奥勒·波 主演,新四零视频提供伊克巴尔之化学秘方在线观看和伊克巴尔之化学秘方迅雷下载服务,包括预告片,视频,上映时间,剧情,导演,演员,影评,海报剧照,新闻资讯等伊克巴尔之化学秘方完整电影信息。
